Difference Between Brand Identity Vs Brand Image


Munaza YousAf

reading time

5 minutes, 12 seconds

Any business that wants to build a strong brand needs to know the difference between brand identity and brand image. Yes, they are not the same, and there are a number of people who are not aware of it. People often mix these up, but they actually refer to two different parts of branding. You’ll not be in one of them because minor change will clear it for you with brand identity vs brand image.

These factors play an important role in building trust and according to exploring topics 81% of customers trust a brand to consider buying something from them.

Scroll and learn about brand identity vs brand image!

What does brand identity mean?

brand identity mean

Brand identity is how people see a business. It’s how a company wants its clients to see it. This includes the company’s colors, brand, messages, and the way things look in general. It’s basically everything a business does to change how people see it. Moreover, it also leaves a first impression on the client, and 55% buy the products that leave a first impression on them.

Brand identity essential components

to understand brand identity vs brand image, you need to know what essential components of brand identity are.

Logo and design

the logo and design show what your business is all about and give a premium vibe.


messaging is important in brand identity vs. Brand image, but it is mainly important in brand identity. Through messaging, you create a strong message that your brand delivers, and your design and logo are also important for delivering a message.


values are what the company stands for and what it believes in. Your values can inspire your customers, and that’s why they need to be strong.


minor believes every brand has a story, and because of the story, you can explain the purpose and vision of the brand. If you have a story to share, then we assist you in building a brand identity that shows who they are and what they stand for at minor change studio.

What is brand image?

whats is brand image

People develop specific opinions about a brand, known as its brand image. Brand image is made by customers, not the company. Brand personality is made by the company.
Brand image affects in brand identity vs brand image, the brand image is the customer experience. This is how the customer feels about interacting with the brand, and they carry it for a lifetime most of the time. In other words, it’s how the people and the media see the brand.
If people had a great experience with your brand, they would mention it to other people on their list, which will be called word of mouth. Moreover, it builds a reputation that shows how well the brand is known in the market as a whole.

Differences between brand identity vs brand image

when its about brand identity vs brand image, both are related, but they are not the same thing.
How you want people to perceive your brand is covered by brand identity. This method is proactive, and the company manages it through planned messages and design.
On the other hand, in brand identity vs brand image, brand image is how people really see your business. It responds to and is shaped by what the viewer sees and hears. This is how brand image vs brand identity makes a difference.
We at minor change studio know brand image vs brand identity and how important it is for brand identity vs brand image to match up. Minor helps our clients make sure their brand identity is strong and consistent. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about brand image because we also take care of it.
Why are both important?
A strong brand name helps you stand out in the market in a way that people will remember. Customers will be able to recognize and connect with your business better. On the other hand, a good brand image builds trust and loyalty, which leads to return business and good word of mouth.
Businesses need to know brand image vs brand identity and should invest in both if they want to be successful in the long run. That’s why minor can assist you in creating a brand that stands out and connects with your audience by knowing and utilizing the difference between brand identity vs. Brand image.
Isn’t making your brand stand out, which you need? If you have understood brand image vs brand identity then your answer will be yes. Contact us now to get what you need!

frequently asked questions

What is the difference between image and identity?Arrow icon

What is the difference between brand identity and brand reputation?Arrow icon

What is the difference between brand identity and brand position?Arrow icon

What are brand image examples?Arrow icon

What is brand identity?Arrow icon

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