the importance of brand identity design

every dish has a secret sauce; for brands, that secret sauce is brand identity design, but people are still confused about the importance of brand identity design.


Munaza YousAf

reading time

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every dish has a secret sauce; for brands, that secret sauce is brand identity design, but people are still confused about the importance of brand identity design. that is why it was necessary to cover it all with examples and facts for the best understanding.

we can’t say enough about how important brand design is in today’s era. the design value index (dvi) is strong evidence for this. dvi, a market capitalization-weighted index of design-driven companies, returned 219% between 2004 and 2014, outperforming the typical standard and poor’s 500 index (“s&p 500”).

for a company to be included in the dvi, it had to meet strict standards that focused on how the design was used throughout the business and how deeply the company believed in design as a strategic enabler.

that is why you need a clear concept of brand identity.

what is branding?

seeing a new brand every day is excellent for consumers, who now have more alternatives than ever before when shopping for a certain product, but is this also good news for the companies themselves? the obvious response is “no.”

the more new brands there are, the harder it is to become well-known. hence, the importance of brand identity design. what makes you stand out from the crowd is a well-executed and distinctive brand identity design.

customers are loyal to brands they trust regardless of how many other alternatives they have.

your brand’s visual identity is what will make that connection for them. most individuals mistakenly believe that brand identity includes the following elements:

  • colors
  • logo
  • tag-line
  • business cards
  • packaging
  • stationary
  • apparel
  • website & more.

they are all included. however, this is not a branding. marty neumeier’s explanation was the most compelling.

for marty neumeier, a brand’s identity is more than just its logo, products, promises, and first impressions. it is a result. it is a customer’s gut feeling about a product, service, or company. it is more like a reputation.

all the visuals certainly help people remember your brand among the millions of others out there. you’re one of a kind because of it. in the way that yellow becomes increasingly prominent. in reality, though, it is more like a brand’s reputation.

what is the importance of brand identity design?

here are the 5 reasons why brand identity design is important and why it should be good enough to be remembered.


put yourself in the shoes of someone who works in the fitness industry but is overweight. to what extent have you proven your reliability to others? they won’t place their faith in you even if you’re the most qualified professional in your industry. likewise, if your own company’s branding is weak, customers won’t have much faith in your ability to assist them in strengthening theirs.

a company’s value is crucial for this very reason. showing off your visual ability to communicate is a great way to prove you know what you’re talking about.

the term “minor change” is a great example of how the value can be effectively used. branding is the speciality of minor, the business with that name. people become interested in the services they offer because their brand identity shows how valuable this studio is.


your digital presence is amazing, yet they all seem to be going in different directions. what kind of effect will it have on customers? how well will you be remembered? do they have trust in you?

the answer is quite clear. your social media accounts, your website, and all the other presence platforms should have the same theme, colors, styles, email letters, and logo. consistency shows you the unity.

on the other hand, the inconsistencies work the opposite. people will stop believing in your business and will get confused. therefore, maintaining a constant brand image is crucial.

mcdonald’s, coke, and louis vuitton are just some of the well-known names on display. they are consistent in their marketing platforms, which is why they are trustable and easy to recognize.

builds trust

building a loyal customer base is not possible without first earning the trust of potential customers. customers are more likely to do business with you if they feel confident in your brand’s reliability.

your brand identity should convey the message that the company is capable of completing multiple large-scale projects.

congratulations, you’ve developed a brand if you’ve put time and thought into creating brand identity designs that speak to your target audience and include all the features that enable people to recognize your brand in a crowded marketplace.


if you implement the same style as a large number of other people, you will not stand out. it’s not necessary to feature heavy machinery in your logo just because you run a construction business. if we look it up on google, there will undoubtedly be a lot of other people doing the same thing.

your design ought to be appropriate for your sector while standing out from the crowd. the usage of shopping carts is not required if you are the owner of a market. it will be the same as what everyone else is using, and you can check out an example below. google’s image search engine captured this particular snapshot.


your branding effort might also serve as an awareness campaign. it spreads the word about what you do. it also leaves a lasting impression on your target customers. if they require your products or services, they will choose you above the competition. that’s the approach behind the creative logo design.

final thoughts

it requires time, money, and creativity to create a brand identity design that will appeal to a wide audience. your logo and other visual elements shouldn’t be changed around every week or month. that’s why it’s so crucial to invest in a branding studio that can maintain brand integrity and know its worth.

in a nutshell, your brand’s identity is an expense with a long return. it’s crucial if you want customers to be able to pick you out of a sea of millions of rivals and yet have trust that you’ll provide what they’re searching for in terms of quality.

if you are just starting a business or need to rebrand your company, you can hire a branding studio to assist you with the process. create a legacy worth celebrating for generations to come.

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